Katherine Dain & Sam Armstrong

There was already quite a lot of classical music in our…

Nikola Meeuwsen

Today we host the young impressive Dutch pianist Nikola…

Fedorova, Schwartz, Nisinman, Rowland & Bogdanović

Tomorrow we will be back with the second leg of our…

Thomas Beijer & Quirine Viersen

Thomas Beijer (meesterpianist) and Quirine Viersen (cello)…

Ernst Glerum & Clemens van der Feen

Ernst Glerum and Clemens van der Feen will play music from…

Georgy Kovalev & Anna Fedorova

Georgy Kovalev & Anna Fedorova in concert. Program:…

Ruben Heijn

Ruben Hein together with Wessel Herbschleb (vocals and…

Benjamin Herman & Timothy Banchet

Today Benjamin Herman is one of the most original and…

Rowland, Bogdanović, Schwartz & Fedorova

We are very very happy to have a fourth (!) session with…

Olivier Patey, Diet Tilanus, Anna Fedorova & Nicholas Schwartz

Today you will be spoiled as Olivier Patey, Diet Tilanus,…