Studio 150 Bethlehemkerk X Amarte presents:

Sophie Janna – vocals
Jarno van Es – keys, synths
Janos Koolen – guitar, banjo, mandolin, clarinet

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Sophie Janna

September, 12th 2024
Start time: 20.00u

Before daring to share her original songs on stage, Sophie Janna toured the world with her duo, The Lasses. Vulnerable and captivating, Sophie Janna’s songs deal with being a soft human in a world made of concrete. On the 12th of September, Sophie Janna performs with Jarno van Es (keys, synths) and Janos Koolen (guitar, banjo, mandolin, clarinet). Koolen and Van Es improvise to form a rich, detailed tapestry around Janna's pure vocals.